There are two golf courses within the East Bay Regional Park District: Tilden Park Golf Course at Tilden Regional Park Redwood Canyon Public Golf Course at lake Chabot Regional Park
Rules and Regulations regarding Golfing (Section 409.2)
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We aim to make our programs affordable to all East Bay communities.
Challenging Hikes
Public and employee safety is a priority to us! Out of an abundance of caution in continued response to the COVID-19 virus planning, East Bay Regional Park District is implementing facility closures to protect the public and our employees to reduce the potential for exposure to COVID-19.
A team of assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), will arrive on Monday, March 9, 2020 to examine all aspects of the East Bay Regional Park District Police Department policy and procedures, management, operations, and support services, Police Chief Anthony Ciaburro announced today.
The East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) will accept fee title and maintain into perpetuity 390 acres of newly donated open space to expand Sycamore Valley Open Space Preserve in Danville as part of the Magee Preserve development plan.