Be Prepared. Be Safe.
Familiarize yourself with the tips below. Proper planning and preparation will ensure a safe and fun experience in the Regional Parks. View safety tips and guidelines for new visitors.
Safety in the Parks and on the Trails

Fire Safety and Prevention
Properly extinguish campfires.
Abide by all posted or announced fire safety rules.
Don't drive your vehicle into dry grass.
If you see smoke in open parklands, call 911 or (510) 881-1121 from a cell phone.
For more on what you can do and what we are doing, click on the link below.
Park Rule Violations
To report an Emergency or Crime/Suspicious Activity in Progress,
call 911 or (510) 881-1121 from a cell, 24 hours a day.
To report Non-Emergency Park Rule Violations such as reckless bike/skate/scooter riding, failure to properly leash or control pets, and improper trail usage such as eBikes or mountain bikes on restricted trails, please call our Non-Emergency Public Safety Dispatch at (510) 881-1833, 24 hours a day, or submit a Park Watch Report online at the link below.
To report non-emergency safety hazards, or damaged trails and facilities, talk to a park ranger or call Public Safety Dispatch at (510) 881-1833. Be sure to mention the nature and exact location of the problem including the trail or area name.