Temescal Regional Recreation Area

Lifeguard Services


Emergency/Crime in Progress: Call 911 or (510) 881-1121, 24 hours a day.
Non-Emergency Public Safety Line: (510) 881-1833, 24 hours a day,
or report park rule violations or other incidents by submitting a Park Watch Report incident form online.
Tip-line: (510) 690-6521.
Links: Fire Warning Info | All Alerts & Closures

Now Hiring New Lifeguards for Summer 2025

Does working outdoors in one of the East Bay Regional Park District's swim facilities and serving your community sound like a great summer job? Apply now to join the Park District's lifeguard team for the summer 2025 season! Lifeguards are part of the EBRPD Fire Department and selected candidates will receive 10 days paid training in the District's Lifeguard Academy. Applicants must be 16 years of age or older as of April 26th, 2025.

About Lifeguard Services

The East Bay Regional Park District provides high quality lifeguards for recreation swim, aquatic special events, and aquatic programs at 11 swimming areas. Facilities include 6 lakefront beaches, 2 traditional swimming pools and 3 hybrid “swimming lagoons” that have chlorinated, filtered water with sand beach entries.


The Lifeguard Service will strive to deliver the highest quality of lifeguarding and program instruction for the safety of park visitors engaged in aquatic activities at our swim facilities.

View East Bay Regional Park District’s Lifeguard Service History

2023 Annual Report


A major part of the Life Guard services includes high quality outreach programs that meet the needs of perse public interest.

Some of these programs include water safety presentations at selected elementary schools and  a PALS Camp that provides 3 aquatic adventure camps in Richmond, Antioch, and Livermore. With funding from the Regional Parks Foundation, the lifeguard services are able to provide reduced cost services to communities throughout the Park District.

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