Purpose and Role of the East Bay Regional Park District
“The need is a vital one... The charm of the region as a place in which to live will depend largely upon natural conditions that are destined to disappear unless properly protected for the public in general.“
– Report on Proposed Park Reservations for East Bay Cities,
Olmsted Brothers and Ansel F. Hall, December, 1930
This statement, expressed at the conception of the District, continues to be an inspiration and an enduring testimonial to the social and environmental responsibilities that the agency must address. With this Master Plan the Board of Directors re-dedicates the East Bay Regional Park District to the conservation of open space resources and the provision of outdoor recreational opportunities for present and future generations.
The Mission statement defines the essential role of the District:
The East Bay Regional Park District preserves a rich heritage of natural and cultural resources and provides open space, parks, trails, safe and healthful recreation and environmental education. An environmental ethic guides the District in all of its activities.
The Vision statement sets the direction, values and objectives of the District:
The District envisions an extraordinary and well-managed system of open space parkland in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, which will forever provide the opportunity for a growing and diverse community to experience nature nearby.
To achieve this Vision the District will:
- Provide a diversified system of regional parklands, trails and related services that will offer outstanding opportunities for creative use of outdoor time.
- Acquire and preserve significant biologic, geologic, scenic and historic resources within Alameda and Contra Costa counties.
- Manage, maintain and restore the parklands so that they retain their important scenic, natural and cultural values.
- Interpret the parklands by focusing educational programs on the visitor’s relationship to nature, natural processes, ecology, the value of natural conditions and the history of the parklands.
- Balance environmental concerns and outdoor recreational opportunities within regional parklands.
- Support the development and retention of well-trained, dedicated and productive employees.
- Improve access to and use of the parks by members of groups that are underrepresented, such as persons with disabilities, the economically disadvantaged and elderly park visitors.
- Provide recreational development that fosters appropriate use of parklands while preserving their remoteness and intrinsic value.
- Create quality programs that recognize the cultural diversity represented in the region.
- Participate in partnerships with public agencies, nonprofit organizations, volunteers and the private sector to achieve mutual goals.
- Provide leadership to help guide land use decisions of East Bay governments that relate to the District.
- Ensure open and inclusive public processes.
- Pursue all appropriate activities to ensure the fiscal health of the District.
- Monitor the effects of climate change on District resources and utilize adaptive management techniques to adjust stewardship methods and priorities to preserve the natural, cultural and scenic values of the parks and trails.