Field of California Golden Poppies.

Board and Staff

The Board of Directors and staff at East Bay Regional Park District are committed to preserving the natural and cultural resources in the Regional Parks and providing healthful recreation --  for present and future generations.

Public Feedback - We want to hear from you!

For Emergencies or Public Safety concerns, contact our Public Safety Dispatch as follows:
Emergency/Crime in Progress: Call 911 or (510) 881-1121 from a cell, 24 hours a day.
Non-Emergency Public Safety Dispatch Line: (510) 881-1833, 24 hours a day,
or submit a Park Watch Report online.

Non-Emergency Trail Safety Hazards or Damaged Trails/Facilities: Locate a park ranger or call Public Safety Dispatch at (510) 881-1833. Be sure to mention the nature and exact location of the problem including the trail or area name.

General Questions: 1-888-EBPARKS / 1-888-327-2757 (Mon-Fri, 8:30am to 5pm)
Reservations: 1-888-327-2757, select option 2 (Mon-Fri, 9am-4pm)

For all other inquiries, please send a message using the link below.

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