Parks to People: Bringing Our Parks into Homes, Classes, and Communities
Learn about the natural resources, wildlife, and history of the Regional Parks. Take virtual reality tours of selected parks. Watch cool videos of storytelling and singing by park naturalists. Start learning now!
Get Hired
- Find out about summer and seasonal jobs, paid internships, and careers at EBRPD.
- Explore career pathways on the Careers for Youth page.
- Volunteer Opportunities
Find a new, fun way to spend time with your children.
Encourages them to get involved and help protect a healthy environment.
Get Involved
- Participate in volunteer activities including park habitat restoration.
- Join the Leaders-in-Training (LIT) program and work with other teens supervising day campers (ages 5 to 12), leading interactive games, and learning about careers in the parks.
- Junior Lifeguards and other Aquatic Programs
Get Outside
Explore * Swim * Fish * Hike * Ride a Bike * Go Boating * Camp
- Find an activity then invite friends or family to join you. Also, check out the Activities Calendar.
- Up for a challenge? Take our annual Trails Challenge - a FREE self-guided hiking and biking program. Hike five of the 20 selected trails – or complete 26.2 miles of trails by the end of the year.
- Swim Lessons
- Recreation Programs
- Special Events
Everyone welcome! Bring the entire family to these special community events.
Get Connected
Once you're outside, tweet us @ebprd, or tag your Instagram photos #ebrpd.
Get Educated
Learn how the Ohlone youth gathered tule reeds the traditional way, built tule-reed boats, and launched their boat voyages.
Tule Boat Voyages, 7m : 53s
- Field Trip Programs
- Naturalist Programs at Our Visitor Centers
A great way to learn about the rich natural and cultural history of the East Bay Regional Parks. - Naturalist Programs at Your School or Classroom
Our Mobile Education Programs are FREE for public schools and designed around state curriculum standards.

Annual Youth Job Fair
Ages 15 - 24
Like spending time outdoors, working with children, or life-guarding on the beach? We have the perfect job for you! Come and learn about the wide variety of paid jobs available for the summer and in the near future. Resume and interview tips provided!
Financial Assistance / Becas
Free Week of Day Camp for Local Schools & Non-Profits
The Outdoor Recreation Department offers a 2-year partnership to qualifying Alameda and Contra Costa County schools and non-profits, where 50 elementary-school-aged children can enjoy a free week of Day Camp in the Regional Parks. More information about these free opportunities.
Regional Park Foundation
The Regional Parks Foundation provides financial aid ("Camperships") to qualifying families of Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. NOTE: eligible programs and co-pay amounts are tentative and subject to change without notice. Financial aid is NOT available for online registrations. Find out more about Financial Aid.