Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan for Fuels Treatment

The Park District has been implementing fuel management practices for decades. As the Park District’s fuels management activities have expanded, the Stewardship Department has played an increasingly large role in the fuel management program. Stewardship works closely with the Fire Department to plan, implement, and monitor the effects of fuel management projects.
Vegetation management requires a significant investment, including environmental assessment and permitting, a broad array of avoidance and minimization measures, and completion of conservation agreements for mitigation lands. Prior to, during, and following fuel reduction projects, the Stewardship Department has the responsibility of ensuring that the work complies with permitting documents and adheres to the mission of the Park District to protect natural resources. Stewardship staff work together with the Wildlife, Vegetation Management, and Integrated Pest Management Programs as well as other Park District departments to implement these commitments. This collaboration ensures that fuel management work is completed on schedule and in a manner that protects park users, our neighbors and our ecosystems.
- Stewardship Annual Reports
- Recommendations & Reports ~ Specific RTAs
- Map - Recommended Treatment Areas (RTAs)
- Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan
- Wildfire Prevention for Park Neighbors
- Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
- Response to Comments
Stewardship Annual Reports
- 2023 Annual Summary (PDF)
- 2022 Annual Summary (PDF)
- 2021 Annual Summary (PDF)
- 2020 Annual Summary (PDF)
- 2019 Annual Summary (PDF)
- 2018 Annual Summary (PDF)
Recommendations and Reports: Specific Recommended Treatment Areas
A Recommended Treatment Area, (RTA), is an area that the District has determined is in need of fuels treatment by using the Wildfire Hazard Assessment Plan, and East Bay Hills Vegetation Treatment Project.
- Download: Recommended Treatment Areas (PDF)
- Go to Assessments: Resource Assessments - Recommendations and reports for each identified RTA unit
Map: Recommended Treatment Areas (RTAs)
This document maps the Recommended Treatment Areas (RTAs) in the Districts parks included in the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan.
- Download: Map of Map of the Recommended Treatment Areas Plan (PDF)
Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan
The Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan is a guiding tool for fuels management approaches throughout the East Bay Regional Parklands.
- Go to the Plan: Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan
Goals of the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan
1. Reduce fire hazards on District-owned lands in the East Bay's wildland-urban interface to an acceptable level of risk.
2. Maintain and enhance ecological values for plant and wildlife habitat consistent with fire reduction goals.
3. Preserve aesthetic landscape values for park users and neighboring communities.
4. Provide a vegetation management plan which is cost-effective to EBRPD on a continuous basis.
Specific Objectives for the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan
1. Evaluate the location and adequacy of the District's fuel break.
2. Provide a menu of options for fuels management and habitat restoration and maintenance. Options will address different topographic situations, vegetation types, available tools and techniques.
3. Evaluate the environmental effects of vegetation management options.
4. Minimize their effects on species of concern.
5. Maintain optimal habitat and ecological function.
6. Provide a plan that enables the District to make informed, adaptive decisions about ongoing vegetation management based on:
- Benefit to public safety
- Environmental benefit
- Available funding and cost effectiveness.
7. Involve diverse stakeholder groups, including agencies and organizations adjoining District lands. The environmental document will solicit broad public input to identify values and concerns related to vegetation management alternatives.
East Bay Hills Vegetation Treatment Project 2023: California Vegetation Treatment Program EIR Project-Specific Analysis
In response to drought- and climate-change-related tree dieback in the Regional Parks, as well as to address the need to meet California’s 30x30 initiative and implement climate-resilient land management strategies, the East Bay Regional Park District has prepared CEQA documentation under the California Vegetation Treatment Program PEIR (CalVTP PEIR) for fuels management and ecological restoration projects in the East Bay Hills.
California Vegetation Treatment Program EIR Project-Specific Analysis (PDF)
Go to Assessments: Resource Assessments - Recommendations and reports for each identified RTA
Environmental Impact Report (EIR)
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) provides information for concerned parties about the environmental impact of implementing the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan.
- Go to the the EIR: Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ~ Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management
Response to Comments
The public was given the opportunity to comment on both the Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan and the Environmental Impact Report. The District then responded to the comments and published the responses which can be read here:
- Download: Response to Comments (51 MB, 492 pp.) [PDF]