The Rescue Gator is a 4x4 heavy duty utility vehicle designed to get rescuers on scene of back country rescues or provided EMS support at special events.
Fire Station 1 is located in Tilden Park and is staffed seven days a week from 8am-6pm.
Fire suppression at the East Bay Regional Parks is predominately on wildland fires, but also includes vehicle and structure fires.
The Park District Fire Department is committed to wildfire management and rapid response to fires. Our 50+ members, aided by a helicopter, monitor and fight wildfires, including water drops throughout the Bay Area. We use sophisticated monitoring equipment to evaluate weather and wildfire conditions and to determine park user restrictions based on the data. We also use crews, equipment, and cattle, sheep and goat grazing to thin and remove hazardous vegetation throughout the year.
Bea Soria, who had smelled of smoke at Kent’s barbecue the day before, also fought the Sunday fire.
I spent many hours after the fire working with an Oakland Chief, an Oakland Captain, and a civilian volunteer trying to figure out what really happened the day of the fire.
The thick, black, smoke twisted angrily above the Caldecott Tunnel, like the flared nostrils of some medieval dragon as I approached Station 1 the afternoon of the Firestorm.
The weather seemed very strange at Lake Temescal on Sunday morning, Oct. 20, Park Supervisor Frances Heath recalled.
Hi, as you gather bits of memories from each of us you will put together an amazing story.
More from Steve Quick about the fire truck that got singed.