

Free-Roaming Cats Policy Updated

June 15, 2021

Park District Working with Local Animal Shelters to Safely Remove Abandoned and Feral Cats from Shoreline Parks.

On Tuesday, June 15, 2021 the Park District took action to strengthen and update its Free-Roaming Cat Policy to focus on the prevention of cat colonies in Regional Parks and collaboration with local animal shelters to trap and safely rehome and relocate cats. Abandoned and feral cats in Regional Parks are a threat to endangered species, many on the brink of extinction.

The Park District has been meeting regularly with area animal shelters since last December and have partnered with them to safely remove free-roaming cats from shoreline parks. So far, the Park District, in partnership with local animal shelters, has successfully trapped and rehomed or relocated over 50 abandoned and feral cats from shoreline parks.

We are confident this robust partnership will result in a sustainable effort to ensure cats are safely removed from parks. It is our goal that with local intervention through animal services, there will be successful relocation of unhoused cats on Park District property. The Regional Parks Foundation is generously providing annual grants to these local Animal Service organizations to support these volunteer efforts and to help with educating the public about the importance of keeping cats out of public parklands.

Links to updated policy, updated policy presentation, and support letter from area shelters.