From sunlit shores to magnificent ridgetops, the East Bay Regional Park District spans 73 parks and over 125,000 acres in Alameda and Contra Costa counties, offering experiences as diverse as the land itself.
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) is looking ahead to understand the future changes anticipated along the East Bay shoreline to develop the San Francisco Bay Trail Risk Assessment and Adaptation Prioritization Plan (SF Bay Trail RAAPP).
East Bay Regional Park District has a dual mission to preserve a rich heritage of natural and cultural resources while simultaneously providing access to open space, parks, and trails, with the greater purpose of providing safe and healthful recreation and environmental education.
A “gateway park” under development at the new Bay Bridge East Span’s touchdown will provide a waterfront amenity unique in the Bay Area – a distinctive recreational space that will join the power and beauty of the new span of the Bay Bridge to the fascinating natural, industrial, and transportation history of the East Bay – and will create a bold new gateway to the City of Oakland.
In memory of Jim Elliot.
The East Bay Regional Park District is adding 3.89 acres of new parkland at Crown Memorial State Beach and street improvements along McKay Avenue, in the City of Alameda.
Stephen A. Lewis Ph.D. Loved for his pure joy in living this day so happy.
The East Bay Regional Park District is a system of beautiful parklands and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to the east of San Francisco.
Without water there would be no life on the planet.
From where you're standing you can observe the mixing between the fresh and salt water.