Monday morning, Park District staff was notified that on Sunday a hiker had spotted a non-native snake, presumed to be a ball python, on the side of Big Bear Trail in Anthony Chabot Regional Park. The snake has not been seen since the original sighting.
Shoreline Cleanup & Bike Ride, MLK Jr Regional Shoreline – October 9, 2021
~ 4 minutes
Looking for a new way to spice up a quiet Sunday afternoon recently, I took a few rolls outside of my usual norm.
As we move through 2011 (which is flying past at an alarming rate, if you haven't noticed), you're going to begin to see "Healthy Parks, Healthy People" all over EBRPD parks and programs.
We are on the cusp of my favorite time of year. I look forward to the bursting of Spring color from the day the previous year's crop turns dry.
Let me get this little disclaimer out of the way up front - the trek I'm going to describe is not an accessible trail using any known definition of "accessible." There is no "flat" or "paved" involved.
There aren't many years when, during the Dog Days of Summer, a hiker can comfortably spend much time out in the hills surrounding Mt. Diablo.
In my home town of Livermore, this is the time of year we dream of cooler days while we endure triple digit temperatures.
I love exploring long, flat trails. A trail with lots of turns and distance give me the ability to get out and stretch.