• Enjoy FREE Parks on Green Friday, page 3 • Renovated Sunol Visitor Center Now Open, page 4 • Tips for Bikers, page 5 • Wreath Making Workshop, page 6 • Season of the Sandhill Crane, page 7 • Native American Heritage Month, page 9 • Oak Woodlands, page 11 • People of Color: Walks and Talks, page 12 • Kayak Big Break, page 13
Experience the newly renovated and expanded Sunol Visitor Center
Enjoy the spook-tacular Halloween activities in your regional park visitor centers this weekend!
The Park District’s Proposed 2023 Budget Available to the Public Mid-November
The restitution of the Port Chicago 50 is necessary to amend the wrongful trial and conviction of fifty African American sailors for mutiny in connection with their service at the Port Chicago Naval Magazine in Concord, California during World War II. The Port Chicago 50 were demanding their unsafe working conditions be addressed before returning to work. An action throughout labor history many employees have taken, particularly when lives are at risk. Being subjected to military law, the men, now known as the Port Chicago 50, were prejudicially and wrongfully denied that right. Exoneration is needed to rectify and acknowledge the actions committed by the fifty men were not wrong, rather they were necessary.
Look skyward for the fastest animal in the world.
Del Valle's oak woodland habitat is home to hundreds of native plants and fungal species, and thousands of vertebrates and arthropods.
Lichen community members survive and thrive in Tilden Nature Area
Safety tips and recommended trails for mountain bikers