- Q1: What is the special tax lien?
A: It's not a traditional tax lien and may not be released. The lien is recorded as a "Notice of Special Tax Lien" which secures the special tax. The notice of special tax lien provides information regarding:
- The description of the tax.
- Facilities and services funded by the tax.
- How the tax is collected.
- How to appeal the tax.
- Parcel numbers and owner(s) of the properties subject to the tax.
- Q2: Do I owe any money?
A: Your property tax bill includes this tax, listed as EBRPD CFD No. A/C-3. If your property taxes have been paid in full, nothing is owed.
- Q3: What documentation can I provide to my lender/bank to answer their questions?
A: Print and mail or email this page to the lender or banking institution. If they need additional documentation or have questions, ask them to contact NBS at customercare@nbsgov.com
- Q4: How much is it?
A: $12/year per single family home. The 20-year measure will expire in 2040. Learn more about Measure FF. Resources available here.
- Q5: Why am I just hearing about it now? I have owned my house for a long time.
A: The Park District recorded the “notice of special tax lien” in January 2019.
Get background information on Measure FF. Explore resources. Watch videos.
- Q6: What is the money used for?
A: Wildfire prevention, Public safety, maintaining and improving visitor centers and facilities, public access, and trails, including closing gaps in the SF Bay Trail, restoring and enhancing natural areas/habitat, including sensitive redwoods, urban creeks, marshlands, grasslands, and hillsides.
- Q7 Can I opt out?
A: No, but seniors can request to apply for a discount. To apply for a discount, contact customercare@nbsgov.com . Include your name, mailing address, the parcel number(s), and the best way to reach you.
- Q8: When does the lien expire?
A: In 2040.
- Q9: I have more questions, who do I contact?
A: NBS at customercare@nbsgov.com