Field of California Golden Poppies.

Measure FF (2018)

Measure FF Update

In November 2018, Voters in western Alameda and Contra Costa counties overwhelmingly passed Measure FF with 85.6% of the vote. (66.6% was needed). Measure FF is a 20-year measure that will expire in 2040. It is an extension of Measure CC passed in 2004  – without increasing taxes. Measure FF extends an existing $12/year ($1/month) parcel tax. 

Measure FF Background

On June 5, 2018, the Board of Directors voted unanimously to place Measure FF on the November 2018 ballot. Measure FF will continue to fund regional park services including:

  • Wildfire prevention
  • Public safety
  • Maintaining and improving visitor use facilities, public access, and trails, including closing gaps in the Bay Trail
  • Restoring and enhancing natural areas/habitat, including sensitive redwoods, urban creeks, marshlands, grasslands, and hillsides

Measure FF was developed with community input including three community meetings, four public board meetings, and engagement of key stakeholder, including the Sierra Club, Audubon Society, and Save the Redwoods League, among others.

Measure FF will appear on both Alameda and Contra Costa County ballots in the communities of Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond, Alameda, San Pablo, El Cerrito, Albany, Emeryville, Piedmont, El Sobrante, and Kensington.

map of measure ff wards

Measure FF Priorities

Wildfire Protection and Healthy Forests

Measure FF will provide continued funding for fire hazard reduction, firefighters, and sustainable forest management, consistent with the Park District’s approved and fully permitted Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan. Voter-approved funding currently supports the thinning or removal of hazardous vegetation on over 500 acres annually. Fire hazard reduction and sustainable forest management is the top spending priority of Measure FF.

Public Access, Trails, and Visitor Use Facilities

Measure FF will provide continued funding for trail maintenance and expansion of trails for increased public access, including closing gaps in the Bay Trail which will improve regional connectivity for commuters and safe routes to school for children. Measure FF will also provide funding to keep the Crab   Cove Visitor Center in Alameda open year-round and for new interpretive/educational programs at Point Pinole and MLK Jr. Shorelines.

Natural Habitat, Urban Creeks, and Shorelines

Measure FF will provide funding for ongoing erosion control, watershed protection, redwood conservation, and preservation/restoration of natural habitat, including urban creeks, marshes, and shorelines for endangered species and to prepare parklands for the future impacts of climate change.

Managing Taxpayer Funds

For its strong fiscal management and balanced budgets, the Park District has received the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for 16 consecutive years and has an AAA rating from Standard & Poor’s (S&P) – the highest possible rating.

Measure FF Commitments (Partial List)

Fire Protection/Forest Management – Manage forests consistent with Wildfire Hazard Reduction and Resource Management Plan. Develop a redwood forest management plan.

Redwood Regional Park (Oakland) – Enhance interpretation of East Bay redwood tree history. Provide for creek restoration and erosion control for watershed health and visitor safety. Expand partnership with Save the Redwoods League.

Tilden Regional Park (Berkeley) – Plan improvements to visitor use facilities such as the Environmental Education Center, Little Farm and Botanical Garden Visitor Center. Increase stewardship. Improve access and pedestrian safety at the Brazilian Room and Botanical Garden Visitor Center.

Miller/Knox Regional Shoreline (Richmond) – Protect shoreline by preparing for sea level rise. Increase park staffing and upgrade Keller Beach visitor experience. Enhance drought-tolerant landscapes.

Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach (Alameda) – Improve visitor use facilities. Develop sea level rise interpretation and educational programming. Enhance bay health by upgrading the storm-water drainage system. Continue year-round Visitor Center services.

McLaughlin Eastshore State Park (Albany) – Provide for shoreline and natural habitat protection. Improve visitor use facilities. Expand park personnel. Protect, enhance, and monitor wildlife habitat.

Martin Luther King Jr. Shoreline (Oakland) – Enhance visitor facilities and personnel. Provide for expanded educational and recreational programming. Improve marsh habitat. Protect shoreline and park facilities from sea level rise.

Point Pinole Regional Shoreline (Richmond) – Protect the shoreline at Dotson Family Marsh. Improve visitor use facilities and SF Bay access. Increase educational and recreational programming. Enhance wildlife habitat.

Temescal Regional Recreational Area (Oakland) – Improve water quality, habitat and recreational swimming. Provide erosion control for watershed health and recreational trail safety.

East Bay Gateway Regional Shoreline (Oakland) – Convert existing paved lands to natural landscape. Provide public access to the SF Bay Trail and Bay Bridge bike path. Enhance tidal and intertidal habitat.

Alameda Point (Alameda)– Expand park and public safety personnel for new regional park. Protect seasonal wetlands, Breakwater Beach shoreline, and park facilities by preparing for sea level rise.

Measure FF Commitments by City

Measure FF Resources

Measure FF Special Tax Lien

Per state law, a Notice of Special Tax Lien is required to be recorded on properties subject to Measure FF. The Measure FF Special Tax Lien is recorded on property documents as Community Facilities District (CFD) No. A/C-3. The Notice of Special Tax Lien is NOT a traditional financial lien and DOES NOT mean that any amount of property tax is delinquent or has not been paid.

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