

Roberts Pool Closed for Renovation

January 10, 2022

Roberts Pool at Roberts Regional Recreation Area will be closed from February 2022 through Spring 2023 for facility upgrades, renovation, and replacement. The current pool facility is over 70 years old and is deteriorating. The project will improve safety, increase usable pool space for programming, and enhance disabled access. The Park District is proud to provide yet another improvement for the community and appreciates the public’s support and patience during the temporary closure. Construction is being planned to maximize continued access to the Roberts all-abilities playground.

Funding for the project was provided by Measure WW ($1.35 million), State Proposition 68 Grant Funding ($1.3 million), Proposition 68 Per Capita Funding ($1.6 million), and District Infrastructure Renovation and Replacement Funds ($6.8 million). More info.

Rendering of future renovation of Roberts Pool