

Prescribed Burn Planned at Pt. Pinole

May 26, 2016

The East Bay Regional Park District is planning a grassland restoration burn at Pt. Pinole Regional Shoreline June 9, from 10am-3pm, which will reduce invasive plant populations, moderate shrub encroachment, and encourage the overall health of the native perennial grasslands at this popular Richmond park. 

The burn will target invasive grasses including medusahead (Elymus caput-medusae) and velvet grass (Holcus lanatus) as well as a variety shrubs. Due to a lack of wildfires, invasive grasses and shrubs often outcompete and displace native plants in this ecosystem, and prescribed burns are an effective way to control these harmful species. 

The goal is to promote native perennial grasses such as California oatgrass (Danthonia californica), creeping wildrye (Leymus triticoides) and purple needlegrass (Stipa pulchra). Birds, insects and other wildlife rely on native plants for food and habitat. 

The controlled burn will cover two separate areas, totaling 38 acres, and be conducted by the East Bay Regional Park District Fire Department in conjunction with the Park District’s stewardship department. 

The Park District also hopes the project will help contribute to research on invasive grass management, and educate the public about the importance of native grasses and vegetation management.