

Eight Tips for Hot-Weather Hiking

July 1, 2021

Summertime in Regional Parks can be very hot and dry. Here are some tips for safe hiking in hot weather. 

Check the Weather – On the morning of your hike. Be prepared!

Start Early and/or Finish Late – Set your alarm early and finish your adventure before the heat of the day. Note the hottest time of the day is generally around 3 pm.

Wear Layers and Cover Up – Wear light colors and appropriate fabrics to wick moisture from your skin. Be sure to wear a sun hat with full coverage to prevent overheating.

Drink Plenty of Fluids – Always bring plenty of water for your outing. Two liters is recommended for adults.

Eat Salty Snacks – This will help keep your electrolytes in balance.

Take Regular Breaks – Pull up a patch of shade. Take a well-deserved rest in the shade.

Choose Your Trail Wisely – When planning your outing on warm days, consider shaded trails or “Easy” hikes found in the 2021 Trails Challenge. Also consider the shaded and easy-level Regional Park trails listed below.

Know the Signs of Heat Stroke – Symptoms include nausea, muscle cramps, bad headache, dizziness, confusion, disorientation, and lack of sweating (even when temperatures are high). If someone is experiencing signs of heat stroke, move the person to a cooler place, help lower the person’s temperature with cool cloths or a cool bath, and seek medical attention.

Shaded Trails to Consider Hiking on Warm Days
• Tilden Park - Wildcat Gorge Trail
• Huckleberry - Huckleberry Interpretive Loop Trail
• Tilden Nature Area - Sylvan Trail
• Anthony Chabot - Big Bear Loop and Bird Trails
• Reinhardt Redwood - Stream Trail

Mission Peak - Jerry Ting
Mission Peak - Jerry Ting