

Discovery Awaits Day and Night

May 1, 2024

You may not realize that the park you visit holds another world. During the day you’ll see an oak woodland and hills full of lively woodpeckers pecking holes, noisy ground squirrels sounding off alarm calls when danger is afoot, and groups of visitors chatting as they hike. However, a world within the parks we don’t often see is the one that exists at night.

As darkness falls upon the parklands, the woodpeckers and squirrels quiet down and instead the competing fiddling of crickets take their place, an echoey bellow from a great horned owl may travel through the canyons, and the oak woodlands that looked so clear in the light now look like dark twisted shadows, hiding mysteries and a variety of fascinating nocturnal creatures.

Whether the sun is shining down, or the stars, there is beauty and magic to be found in both worlds within the parks. A great way to introduce yourself to the wonders of the night is to try camping in one of the East Bay Regional Parks!

