

Be Ready for Wildlife Encounters

July 1, 2024

When enjoying East Bay Regional Parks this summer, it’s important to be prepared and keep wildlife safety in mind. Visitor encounters with animals, such as coyotes or rattlesnakes, often increase as park usage soars in the warmer months. Unsuspecting hikers may pick up ticks or brush up against poison oak along the trails. With calving season running from August to October, interactions can create a danger to both calves and people.

Stay safe in the Regional Parks and be ready for wildlife encounters with these safety tips:

  • Never feed, try to approach, or pet wild or grazing animals.
  • Stay on trails and out of tall grasses.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and keep children nearby and dogs on leash.
  • Wear long sleeve shirts and pants tucked into socks to avoid contact with ticks and poison oak.
  • For emergencies, call 911 or Park District Public Safety Dispatch at (510) 881-1833.

Photo of a coiled rattlesnake close up
Photo by Naturalist Kevin Dixon