Judge John Sutter Regional Shoreline

San Francisco Bay Trail

Trail Attributes

Regional Trail
Interpark Regional Trail

Trail Closure - S.F. Bay Trail

S.F. Bay Trail is subject to closures from Johnson’s Landing to Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center (Breakwater Avenue) from Monday, January 13, through Friday, January 31, for levee repairs.

In 1987, the State directed the Association of Bay Area Governments to develop a plan for a non-motorized trail encircling San Francisco Bay. The Bay Trail provides accessible recreation opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts and access to commercial and residential neighborhoods. It offers spectacular wildlife viewing and improves public awareness and respect for the bay.

It also provides important transportation benefits, providing a commute alternative for pedestrians and cyclists and a connection to numerous transportation facilities.

For more information about the San Francisco Bay Trail, please visit the San Francisco Bay Trail website at the link below.

Paved portions of the San Francisco Bay Trail: 

  • Eastshore State Park, Richmond - beginning at Marina Bay in Richmond to Central Avenue near Point Isabel - 2 1/2 miles of paved trail along the Hoffman Marsh
  • Martin Luther King Regional Shoreline, Oakland - Over 5 miles of paved trails along San Leandro Bay, San Leandro Creek, and Arrowhead Marsh. Good access points are Swan Way off Doolittle Drive and two staging areas off Edgewater Drive.
  • Oyster Bay, San Leandro - 2 miles of flat, paved trail circles the park at the end of Neptune Drive off Marina Blvd.
  • Hayward Regional Shoreline, Hayward - Over 7 miles of compacted gravel walkways. Flat but best for mountain bikes. Follow the S.F. Bay Trail from the staging area at the end of Grant Avenue to Hayward Shoreline Interpretive Center (about 5 miles one way).


Trail Mileage Guide

Download: SF Bay Trail Mileage Guide
