The U.S. Department of Transportation Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program provides funding for road, rail, transit, and port projects that have a significant local or regional impact.
The Park District is requesting a total of $18,940,000 million from the RAISE grant program.
The East Bay Regional Park District (Park District) has launched the “Sustainably Connecting East Bay Communities - Expanding Equitable Active Transportation” (Connecting East Bay Communities) project to provide safe multi-modal access to underserved communities including Oakland and Richmond, California. These projects are part of a continued implementation of the Park District’s “Green Transportation Initiative” which has successfully constructed over 200 miles of non-motorized transportation across two counties. The Connecting Communities project will provide extensive benefits and equitable opportunities to the most vulnerable communities of the East Bay.
The Park District will connect communities and extend five key active transportation corridors within the Park District’s transportation network. This set of project components would leverage local and state funds to:
1. Increase public transportation and Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) access for underserved communities to major employment locations and schools.
2. Enhance pedestrian safety at crosswalks, rail crossings, industrial areas, and major intersections.
3. Improve equitable access to the regional trail network for active transportation commuters.

- RAISE Grant Application Narrative 2023 (PDF)
- Appendix A BCA Technical Memo (PDF)
- Appendix B Funding Commitment Letters (PDF)
- Appendix C Letters of Support (PDF)
- Appendix D Environmental Review Status (PDF)
- GMRT Environmental Doc CEQA Clearance (PDF)
- GMRT Environmental Doc Martinez Bay Trail BRA Compiled (PDF)
- GMRT Environmental Doc Martinez Bay Trail Wetland Delin Compiled (PDF)
- IHTE Environmental Doc CEQA Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (PDF)
- IHTE Environmental Doc Lower Walnut Creek Feasibility Study Report (PDF)
- IHTE Environmental Doc Lower Walnut Creek Restoration Project MAMP (PDF)
- IHTE Environmental Doc Lower Walnut Restoration Preliminary Study Area (PDF)
- MCTE Environmental Doc Marsh Creek Preliminary Engineering and Environmental Study 12-14-20 (PDF)
- MCTE Environmental Doc Marsh Creek Trail Public Review Draft ISMND 7-1-21 (PDF)
- OBTE Environmental Doc 1441 Embarcadero Shoreline Redevelopment Feasibility Study DRAFT 2017-11-07 (PDF)
- OBTE Environmental Doc Feasibility Level Geotechnical Investigation (PDF)
- RBTE Environmental Doc Point Wilson Final Report (PDF)
- RBTE Environmental Doc Point Wilson Final Report 052605 (PDF)
- RBTE Environmental Doc Point Wilson Study Area Map (PDF)
- RBTE Environmental Doc Point Wilson Study Area Map 052605 (PDF)