The District’s Board of Directors approved the Oyster Bay Regional Shoreline Land Use Plan Amendment (LUPA) in 2013. The LUPA guides the future development of Oyster Bay with plans that include including a new primary access and parking, formalization of the trail system, resource management, a bicycle skills area, a disc golf course, and a dedicated off-leash dog area. As of December 2021, the 18-hole disc golf course is open, the primary entrance is on Neptune Drive, and native shrubs and trees have been planted to provide overwintering opportunities for Monarch butterflies. The Opportunity Fill & Grading effort will continue through 2022 with trucks delivering clean fill to raise and sculpt the topography of the park.
In 2022 and beyond, the Park District is proceeding with design of the park access roadway off of Neptune Drive and connecting staging areas that will provide parking inside the park near picnic areas, the disc golf course, future events and bike skills area.
August 2024 Update: Over the past several years the District has been working with contractors operating under a no cost contract to import clean fill to bring the grades at the site up to levels per the approved Land Use Plan. This phase of the project is in the final stretch and will be completed by September 2024. There may be intermittent trail closures during the course of the work.
The next phase of the site improvements will be the construction of a new parking lot and staging area. The improvements for this phase of the overall site development will include the installation of sewer line installation, restrooms, the construction of a new parking lot and staging area for park users, landscaping to improve butterfly and pollinator habitat, fencing and signage. The District anticipates beginning construction on this phase of work in the Summer of 2025.
Site Description
Opportunity Fill and Grading project:
This ongoing project is part of the Park District’s efforts to build up the topography of the park and to create the base for future recreation areas outlined in the District’s Oyster Bay 2013 LUPA. The Opportunity Fill & Grading effort is complete in the Southwest Disc Golf Course area which opened in October 2021 and offers of eighteen holes each with a forward and advanced tee & basket for beginners and experienced players.
Fill and grading continues in the center north area of the park to prepare the site for development of an informal events area, future parking & picnic and eventual installation of the first phase of a bike skills park. Please observe signs about areas that might be closed to the public during this project.

The Park is located just south of the Oakland International Airport in San Leandro, a site that was a former landfill, closed in the early 1970s, and acquired by the District in the 1980’s for future park development. The Park now includes two miles of the San Francisco Bay Trail around the perimeter. It is a popular destination for hikers, dog walkers, bicyclists and bird watchers. This park includes seven group picnic areas with interior trails that lead to sweeping Bay vistas and a public sculpture, “Rising Wave.” A new 30-acre disc golf course is open in the park as of October, 2021
Project Resources

- October 2023, Bike Park Operations and Maintenance Plan (PDF)
- October 2023, Oyster Bay Bike Park Feasibility Study (PDF)
- August 2012, July Public Input Meeting Comments (PDF)
- October 2013, Response to Meeting Comments (PDF)
- December 2013, Final LUPA (PDF) (3.7 MB, 73 pp.)
- December 2013, Final LUPA Map (PDF) (302 KB, 1 pp.)
- December 2013, Final Mitigated Negative Declaration (PDF) (11.9 MB, 148 pp.)
- October 2013, Public Notice: Oyster Bay Draft Initial Study and Public Meetings (PDF)
- March 2014, Notice of Public Meeting - Bicycle Skills Area (PDF)
Devan Reiff, Principal Planner, dreiff@ebparks.org / 510-544-2325