Palomares Cyn Hero

Garin-to-Pleasanton Ridge Regional Trail Public Access Project


The Garin-to-Pleasanton Ridge Public Access Project is anticipated to provide public access into Garin and Pleasanton Ridge Regional Parks from Palomares Road by developing a regional trail that connects the Chouinard property in Garin and the Owen property in Pleasanton Ridge, both of which are landbank properties currently closed to the public. This project would allow for the 955-acre Owen landbank property in Pleasanton Ridge and the 10-acre Chouinard landbank property in Garin to be opened for public access.

Project components include: 
1). Determining the appropriate level of public access and amenities at the Chouinard property
2). Construction of a new trail from the Chouinard property into Garin
3). Re-alignment of a portion of the existing Stonybrook Trail to avoid a riparian area
4). Development of a safe, at-grade pedestrian crossing of Palomares Road, and 
5). Incorporating selected existing ranch roads on the Owen property in Pleasanton Ridge into a public trail network to connect into the open parklands in Pleasanton Ridge.

Site Description

The 10-acre Chouinard property is located at 33853 Palomares Road in unincorporated Alameda County, south of the community of Castro Valley and north of the town of Sunol. The Chouinard property is a former winery uniquely situated at the base of a narrow canyon that rises from Palomares Road up to Walpert Ridge, where there is a network of ranch roads within Garin Regional Park that have been designated as future recreational trails in the 2012 Garin and Dry Creek Pioneer Regional Parks Land Use Plan Amendment. Included in this future trail network is a planned extension of the Bay Area Ridge Trail along Walpert Ridge and adjacent ridgelines. Topography rises from slightly to steeply sloping terrain, most of which is covered by dense tree growth. A seasonal tributary to Palomares Creek descends from Walpert Ridge and runs northeast through the narrow canyon that opens to the Chouinard site.

The 955-acre Owen property is located directly across Palomares Road from the Chouinard property. Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park surrounds the Owen property to the north, east and south. The Owen property offers panoramic views of the Bay Area in all directions, climbing from 990 feet at roadside to an elevation of 1,800 feet atop Sunol Ridge. Of its over eight miles of interior roads, approximately half are well-maintained fire roads. The property’s existing road network provides for potential well-developed trail access around the perimeter of the property, up to the top of the ridge, and immediately into adjacent parkland.

Photo 1: Creek bed of the seasonal tributary that runs from Walpert Ridge down to the Chouinard site.

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Photo 2: Entrance into the former Chouinard Winery property from Palomares Road.

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 Photo 3: View from the top of Sunol Ridge within the Owen property.

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The Park District acquired the Owen property in 2011 for the purposes of expanding the boundary of Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park, providing public recreation, protecting natural resources, and preserving open space. Acquisition of the Owen property provided a potential western entrance into Pleasanton Ridge.
The Park District acquired the Chouinard property in 2020 with the goals of expanding the boundary of Garin Regional Park and providing an opportunity to complete a portion of the Garin-to-Pleasanton Ridge Regional Trail identified in the Park District’s Master Plan.

Project Resources

Chouinard Owen Meeting Flyer

Project Materials


Contact Information

Contact Senior Planner Kim Thai, or Planner Tonya Covarrubias, for questions relating to the project.