The East Bay Regional Park District is developing an agricultural park at the site of the former homestead and orchard property belonging to Armand Borel. Development of the future agricultural park requires planning and design services to determine what is feasible and desirable at the future park.
The Park District is conducting a survey to gather input about the future 10-acre Borel agricultural park in Danville. Help plan the park by sharing thoughts on activities, facilities, and amenities. The survey is the first step in the planning process. Additional outreach activities will be scheduled in the coming months.
Site Description
The Borel family owned and operated one of the last remaining family farms in the San Ramon Valley. They cultivated a walnut orchard and small shelling and packing operation between 1923 and the 1970s. In 2009, Armand Borel bequeathed the property to the Park District to offer interpretive and education opportunities on agricultural history of the area. This parcel is located east of the I-680 freeway on the north side of Fostoria Way within the Town of Danville, adjacent to the City of San Ramon. The property is the last remaining piece of an approximately 60-acre family farm that encompassed much of this portion of the San Ramon Valley and retains the walnut tree orchard from that time.
Image 1: The Borel property was one of the last remaining family orchards of San Ramon Valley.

Image 2: Feasibility studies will determine which existing structures and equipment can be retained and used for educational and interpretive purposes.

2024: Project planning kicked off with the hiring of a consultant team to conduct technical and feasibility studies.
2025: Technical and feasibility studies to wrap up. Public engagement will begin. Communities will be invited to provide input. Exact dates will be provided once available.
Project Resources
Visit the Placeworks website for the latest planning information: https://borelagpark.org/
Take a survey to provide your input on the future of this new park: https://arcg.is/yK0ST
For more information on this future park, please contact Senior Planners Drake Hebert: DHebert@ebparks.org or Kim Thai: KThai@ebparks.org.