A fee of $25 will be charged for a beer & wine permit in parks where alcohol is restricted to reserved picnic areas. For information call 1-888-EBPARKS or 1-888-327-2757, press option 2, and then 1.
Can I have alcohol at my picnic?
Beer and Wine are allowed in some of the parks; no other form of alcohol is allowed in any Regional Park. Some parks restrict beer and wine to a reserved picnic area, and a $25 permit must be purchased. Swimming is not recommended after drinking. Alcoholic Beverages are not permitted at pools, swim beaches or within 50 feet of paved roads, parking lots or posted areas. For more information please view Ordinance 38, section 410.
Please see park specific rules:
Parks that allow Beer and Wine:
- Ardenwood
- Briones
- Castle Rock
- Coyote Hills
- Cull Canyon
- Del Valle
- Garin
- Kennedy Grove
- Lake Chabot
- Martin Luther King JR.
- Point Pinole
- Redwood
- Roberts
- Temescal
- Tilden
- Wildcat Canyon / Alvarado
Parks that require a picnic reservation and $25 permit:
- Crown Beach
- Don Castro
- Quarry Lakes
Parks that DO NOT allow Beer and Wine:
- Contra Loma
- Miller Knox
- Shadow Cliffs
- Sunol
NOTE : Hard Alcohol is never allowed in any of the East Bay Regional Parks.