Environmental Mission: EBRPD has always been a "green" agency. For over 85 years, our mission and vision support environmental protection, preservation, and public access to open space and Bay shoreline for recreation. Our system has 73 parks, over 126,809 acres, and 1,330 miles of trails
Open space benefits the environment through absorption of carbon emissions and other pollutants in the air. This in turn helps provide better air quality to all of us.
"Green" Initiatives Undertaken
Camp Arroyo
Youth environmental education camp in Livermore
- $10 million dollar state of the art construction project includes six 24 person cabins, dining hall/multipurpose room, two bathhouses, swimming complex built on 138-acre site
- Environmentally innovative design includes "green" features such as straw bale insulation, solar heating and gunned-earth construction for the pool, metal roofs to catch runoff water for irrigation, composting through an organic garden and use of recycled materials wherever possible
- The educational curriculum focuses on teaching about "green" practices
- Recognized with several innovation awards for green technology
- 2005 Governor's Office Award for environmental leadership
- 2002 Earth Day Top Ten Award, National AIA Committee on the Environment
- 2002 Savings By Design Honor Award, California Council AIA
Water Conservation
- Native plant and Wildlife friendly landscaping
- Use of "blue" non-potable water in some turf areas
- Waterless urinals save 40,000 gallons of water annually
Energy Conservation
At the District Administration building
- Photovoltaic system (solar panels) reduced energy usage by half from 1996 - 2006
- Replaced lighting and HVAC system to reduce consumption
- Worked with PGE on energy savings and financing/rebate incentives
- Reduced greenhouse gas CO2 = over 2000 tons
- $1 million dollars projected savings to District over 25 years of solar usage
Recycling Efforts
- 142 containers in 34 active recreation parks (i.e. picnic and play areas), capturing aluminum cans, glass and plastic bottles
- Administration building recycling = over 12 tons of paper recycling in 2006
- Composting available at all park employee offices, and public facilities
- Battery recycling containers distributed for collection and disposal with Alameda County Household Hazardous Waste Facility
- Special recycling efforts for E-waste, computers, scrap metals
- "Grass-cycling" - leaving grass cuttings on lawns is standard practice
Vehicle Fleet
- Administration pool cars include hybrid vehicles
- Testing use of bio-diesel for park trucks
- Electric vehicles for inner park travel and rubbish removal
Chemical Use
- Have environmentally focused integrated pest management program
- Ongoing research coordination with academia including U.C. Berkeley, U.C. Davis on grassland studies, native plants, sudden death oak syndrome, etc.
- Use Green certified building chemicals, cleaners and janitorial supplies
Environmental Construction
- Eight chemical toilets and numerous bluebird nesting boxes were built with reclaimed lumber deconstructed from park shade structures
- Redwood lumber is no longer used for District picnic tables. Cedar is now the material used
- Waterless urinals have been placed in three parks and the administration building
- Free, recycled paint used to paint park structures and cover graffiti
Environmentally-Preferred Purchasing Policy
- Cross divisional team developed with board input
- Preference for recycled and recyclable products
- Energy/water saving appliances
- Sustainably harvested/grown materials
- Rechargeable batteries and chargers regular stock supplies and staff is encouraged to use this environmentally preferable alternative
Environmental Education
- Six visitor centers teaching Bay Eco-system, watershed protection, sustainable farming, historical and cultural resources
Environmental Acknowledgements
- District Equipment Shops have earned certification as Green Businesses by counties
- Butterfly Garden certified as Bay Friendly Garden by the county Waste Management Authority
- Crab Cove Visitor Center certified by Alameda County as a green business, 2012
Get Involved
- The East Bay Regional Park District strives to continually improve its sustainable practices
- Get Involved!