Briones Pilot Project

Briones Special Management Area

What is the Briones Special Management Area?

The Briones Special Management Area is a 1,600 acre zone in the northeast part of Briones Regional Park that employs a variety of trail management strategies to protect habitat, wildlife, and watersheds. The Special Management Area establishes specific rules limiting trail use, such as hiking only, biking only, or hiking/biking only and direction of travel. On weekends, trail use within the Special Management Area alternates between bicycle and equestrian use based on even and odd calendar days (see table).

Briones Special Management Area Map.

What do I need to know?

The following special rules apply ONLY to trails within the Special Management Area

Special Management Area Schedule & Restrictions

Briones special Management Area even odd table without logo.

Odd / Even Weekend Restriction: Bikes and Equestrians have limited access to the Special Management Area on the weekends by calendar date. This restriction DOES NOT apply to hikers who can enter the Special Management Area seven (7) days per week and use trails that allow hiking. Hikers and Equestrians CANNOT use the designated BIKE-ONLY trails in the Special Management Area at ANY time.

Monday-Friday everyone is allowed to access the Special Management Area and conform to the trail use rules designated for hikers, bikers, or equestrians. Note: Trails marked yellow on the map, are for bikers (downhill direction of travel) ONLY. Trails marked orange are for bikers and hikers ONLY. Trails marked green are for hikers ONLY. 

  1. On EVEN-numbered weekend days, BIKES ARE NOT ALLOWED to enter the Special Management Area. Horses are allowed to use trails open to equestrian use within the Special Management Area.
  2. On ODD-numbered weekend days, HORSES ARE NOT ALLOWED to enter the Special Management Area. Bikes are allowed to use all trails open to bike use within the Special Management Area.
  3. Specific trails in the Special Management Area will be designated for bike use ONLY and are limited to a downhill direction of travel ONLY. These trails will be signed as such at both the top entry point and the bottom exit. These trails are recommended for expert riders only.

Special Management Area Bypass

Bikes and equestrians wishing to access the rest of the park during restricted weekend days can still use the Alhambra Creek staging area to access Tavan Trail,  Orchard Trail and Toyon Canyon Trail to bypass the Special Management Area instead of having to go all the way to the Bear Creek entrance. See FAQs below for more information.

Trail Use Data:

On December 17, 2024 the attached presentation was given to the Park District Board of Directors to provide review and recommendations regarding the Pilot Project. Included in the presentation is data on compliance and outcomes of each Pilot strategy.

Briones Pilot Project Review and Recommendation (PDF)


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