At the Park District, IPM is a multidisciplinary and cross-departmental effort based on an ecological framework to identify, understand, and solve pest problems. Thoughtful design and prevention practices provide the foundation of the program. Science guides and provides the structure for an ecologically-sound IPM program.
Since the inception of its first Integrated Pest Management Policy, the Park District’s management of pests has been based on regularly reviewed science standards, weight-of-evidence principles, and industry best practices along with our environmental ethos. Research is used to identify safe, effective, and efficient management tactics, whether the goal is ensuring a safe and enjoyable park or protecting diverse ecological habitats for the plants and wildlife that live in the parks. By managing poses that threatened structural recreational, and ecological resources, the IPM program serves a key role in the Park District’s mission.
» Origins of IPM [2 pp. PDF]
» University of California IPM program