Field of California Golden Poppies.

Ward 6 - John Mercurio

John Mercurio

John Mercurio
Resides in Concord
Term expires end of 2026

John Mercurio was elected to the Board of Directors in November 2022. Previously, he served on the Park District’s Park Advisory Committee for 17 years. An avid park user, he has volunteered for over 35 years to preserve open spaces and improve trail access.

Director Mercurio served as a Concord Planning Commissioner for 11 years and as a Concord Parks, Recreation and Open Space Commissioner for 12 years.  Appointed by Governor Gray Davis, he served on the California Recreational Trails Committee for 12 years.

Director Mercurio has a BA in Social Science, a California Teaching Credential and an MPA. He is married, with two children. He proudly supports Save Mount Diablo and is a member of the Regional Parks Foundation.

Regional Parks in Ward 6 include: Bishop Ranch Open Space Regional Preserve, Briones Regional Park, Byron Vernal Pools Regional Preserve, Castle Rock Regional Recreation Area, Diablo Foothills Regional Park, Doolan Canyon Regional Preserve, Las Trampas Wilderness Regional Preserve, Little Hills Regional Recreation Area, Morgan Territory Regional Preserve, Round Valley Regional Preserve, Sycamore Valley Open Space Regional Preserve, Thurgood Marshall Regional Park - Home of the Port Chicago 50, Vasco Caves Regional Preserve, Vasco Hills Regional Preserve

Cities in Ward 6 include: Alamo, a portion of Alhambra Valley, Blackhawk, Byron, Camino Tassajara, Castle Hill, Clayton, Concord, Danville, Diablo, Discovery Bay, Norris Canyon, North Gate, Pleasant Hill, Reliez Valley, San Miguel, San Ramon, Shell Ridge, Waldon, Walnut Creek