Ecosystem Stewardship

Biodiversity Seminar

2024 Stewardship Biodiversity Seminars


On March 13, 2024, the Park District held a Biodiversity Seminar  to bring attention to the critical importance of ecosystems to people. Our speakers shared their experiences in celebrating and protecting biodiversity and how we all have a role in the biodiversity movement. 

Guest Speaker, Doug Tallamy, Professor at the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at University of Delaware and Author of Bringing Nature Home presented on the importance of local and individual action on biodiversity.  

José González, the Equity Officer at EBRPD shared lessons from a long career linking conservation and equity.

Julia Kernitz, Acting Recreation Assistant at EBRPD presented on her experience as a park ranger conducting restoration interfacing with volunteers in a park setting.

And Diana Benner, the owner-Founder of The Watershed Nursery talked about the role of native nurseries in preserving biodiversity

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